Profhilo vs. Dermal Fillers: Which Is Best for You?

Profhilo vs. Dermal Fillers: Which Is Best for You? | enhanced aesthetics blog | dermal fillers | profhilo

You may have heard of Dermal Fillers, but what about Profhilo? At Enhanced Aesthetics Newry, we understand that making the right decision for your beauty and confidence is essential. That’s why in this blog, we are going to debunk the differences between Profhilo and Dermal Fillers and highlight their unique benefits for you.  

Dr Helen Campbell of Enhanced Aesthetics will discuss your individual needs and aesthetic goals during your consultation and this blog aims to help you in your understanding of determining which one may best be better suited for your needs. 

Understanding Profhilo

Profhilo is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment designed to rejuvenate your skin's quality and hydration. It differs from traditional dermal fillers in its approach and purpose.

Profhilo utilises Hyaluronic Acid, which is naturally present in your skin, to boost hydration and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. It is injected just beneath the skin's surface at specific points on the face, creating a 'bio-remodelling' effect. This technique improves your overall skin texture and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Profhilo Benefits:

  • Profhilo provides a subtle, natural-looking enhancement, making it suitable for those who seek a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance without looking drastically different.

  • Profhilo focuses on enhancing skin quality by stimulating and increasing hydration and collagen production which keeps working even after the treatment, resulting in a smoother and more youthful complexion.

  • As a minimally invasive treatment, Profhilo typically involves minimal downtime and discomfort.

Comparing Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers are a more popular choice for those seeking to add volume, fill lines and create a more sculpted appearance. However, they don’t have the ‘bio-remodelling’ effect that Profhilo has, which may be better suited towards some skin types and aesthetic goals. This will be discussed during your consultation.

Dermal Filler Benefits:

  • Dermal fillers provide almost instant results, making them ideal for individuals seeking a quick enhancement.

  • Dermal fillers can be tailored to specific areas, such as thin or ageing lips, sagging cheeks and nasolabial folds, allowing for precision in targeting areas of concern.

  • With various types of dermal filler treatments available, we can deliver the one that best suits your unique needs and goals. E.g. non-surgical rhinoplasty, jawline filler or cheek filler.

Choosing the Right Treatment for You

The decision between Profhilo and Dermal Fillers ultimately depends on your aesthetic goals and preferences. You will already have an idea of your aesthetic goals and during your treatment consultation with Dr Helen Campbell, you will discuss these and she will answer any questions you have and connect you with your recommended treatment. 

We hope this blog has helped you to understand the differences between Profhilo and Dermal Fillers and that you can feel more confident in which treatment is best for you. 

Ready to discuss your goals and book your appointment? Contact us today and begin your journey towards refreshed and revitalised skin at Enhanced Aesthetics Newry. 


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